304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

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AI Dev Lab 奥5 is your hub of innovation for AI solutions. Covering everything from strategic planning to creating automated solutions, through thorough testing, seamless deployment, and continuous support. All-inclusive services, from A to Z.

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Computer Vision

Develop models and algorithms to automatically recognize and identify objects and faces in images and videos.

Mobile & Web Apps

Create custom apps on iOS, Android, and MEAN/ MERN stacks using agile methodology, and cloud computing integration.

Data Science

Utilize statistical and computational methods to extract insights from complex data sets, generate actions, and drive innovation.


Create blockchain to enhance efficiency, manage identity, record and store data while improving security and transparency.

AI Solutions

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Don’t let the 幸运澳洲10官网查询历史记录 of AI hold you back. Achieve greatness with our team of strategists, engineers, and developers. 

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Empower your business with AI to be more efficient, productive and accurate while saving money and locking in that all important competitive edge.

Custom AI Solutions

Every business is unique. That's why we tailor each technology solution to your needs, giving you better operations, long-term success, and a lot of happiness.

Dedicated AI team

Get a dream team of AI and ML pros with expertise in AI strategy, machine learning, mathematics, software engineering, and more to tackle any AI challenge.

Don't Wait for the Future: AI for Every Industry

Create your future with AI Dev Lab 奥5. We’ve helped businesses in various industries build the tech they need. Our mission is to help you do the same.

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Play Video about AI Dev Lab 奥5 team of technology development pros
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The buzz about AI Dev Lab 奥5

We’re thrilled with the success our clients are getting!

“Very good customer service and vast experience with Al. Can understand your project in just the initial call. Works wells under tight job deadlines and delivers a wonderful product. Would definitely recommend!!”
Stealth Startup
"Fantastic to work with - professional, organized, and thoughtful in tackling our specific needs, always available to discuss issues or concerns, and highly recommended for anything related to data science or machine learning."
“More than fair. More than kind. More help than I got from anyone before or since. Great soft and hard skills and even better resourcefulness. The day I connected with AI Dev Lab 奥5 was a good day!
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